Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira
The trials and tribulations of being the smartest person you know.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
6. Heaven Just Got Funkier

A lot will be said in the coming days about the life of James Joseph Brown Jr. by people who actually knew him.
More still will be said by people who have a depth of musical knowledge that I only aspire to.
In the end, nothing I can write, say or do will mark the man's passing or honour his body of work more suitably than to direct you to download this, 87 minutes of greatness. Recorded live at the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C almost 1 year to the day of his death.
More still will be said by people who have a depth of musical knowledge that I only aspire to.
In the end, nothing I can write, say or do will mark the man's passing or honour his body of work more suitably than to direct you to download this, 87 minutes of greatness. Recorded live at the 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C almost 1 year to the day of his death.
5. Struggle
I realised today that having been raised with opportunities and options in my life, no one will recognise any minor to mediocre successes as anything expect the minimum expectation. Conversely, the only thing more true than this is that the absence of these successes will constitute nothing short of a disappointment.
The interval of the leap from where you were to where you are is always the same.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
4. White Supremist Rock Bands
Their despicable content notwithstanding. What is it about racial hatred that makes them such brutal musicians?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
2. Unfeature
Bookkeeping company around the corner from house, filing my taxes 'online' is not a feature in 2006, it's an assumption.