Satriani v. Coldplay
Too often musicians are accused of ripping off other artists in their compositions. However in the case of the recent hub ub about Coldplay borrowing from Satriani, it's a hard to argue.
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Do I think that Coldplay has ever heard this song in their life? No. What I think we have here is what legal types would call simulataneous or logical discovery.
When it comes to pop music, sometimes when you hear "furry", "wet nose" and "barks" you think DOG. By this I mean the forms are so well formed that when you have two chords the third is sometimes implied. When you have 3 sometimes a fourth seems 'right'...before you know it you've got the same progression.
That being said, Satriani was first past the post and by rights he did create this clearly pleasing melody...first. Just because Coldplay didn't know that doesn't mean they're entitled to a license free use.
Patent law says that if I event something that already exists, it's not my idea because I didn't know it did.
I feel bad for Colplay, I really do. It's every musicians nightmare to get hung on somemthing like this...and so obviously so.
It happens.
Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go write New Kid In Town for the 50th time.
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