free web tracker Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira: Merry Christmas Assholes!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Assholes!

To all the people who have been hitting me over the head with how much you hate Christmas...congratulations! You have officially shit on x-mas long enough that you have actually now ruined mine. Mission accomplished karmic douchebags.

Some of my favourites include:

1. Never ending parade of facebook status msgs
3. The constant complaining about being broke while over spending and buying gifts for friends, hair-dressers, letter carriers..... blah blah.

Also, just a quick note to talk radio hosts and newscasters. Next year lets see if we can't at least try to dial down the rhetoric about the 'war on Christmas' or just plain stop hanging on to the so called 'Christian values' that this country was apparently founded on. I neither care to know, nor do I find relevant the dogma of Jacques Cartier.

So thanks assholes. You've actually made me look forward to going back to work. I guess that's something.

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