free web tracker Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira: Dear The GO Train

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dear The GO Train

Dear The GO Train,

It's been a while since last I wrote. I wanted to take the time to thank you for joining us mid to late nineties by adding standard definition tvs on board. That was sorta cool...

However, re:audio, I noticed you've decided the means of distribution will by FM radiowaves. I take quick inventory of what I have on my person just as I travel it is as follows:

1. Palm Treo 700WX
- capabale of sending and receiving: the web, email, files, txt msgs, photos and even streaming media
2. An Ipod
3. Shure E3 headphones
4. USB headset
5. HP Pavillion Laptop Computer

At a glance, I am the picture of the modern commuter. Yet, strangely I am unable to receive your audio signal given the myriad of devices on my person because someone at GO Inc. was conviced that people still carry radios or some otracity resembling a Walkman™.

Yes, if there's one thing I see a lot of these days are people walking down the street listening to their portable radios.

Thought....FM receivers in the chairs with 1/8" headphone jacks for the headphone I likely already have on me!!

Most upsettingly some sales guy at the technology company that put in this retarded system likely made a fat comission.

Top drawer GO. You successfullly installed a moving picture machine.

Yours Very Truly,
Hollis Greene


At 12:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work for GO Transit and about three months ago we conducted a rail passenger survey and only 2% of riders liked the ONTV system. Those being the 2% who own Walkmans.


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