free web tracker Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira: January 2006

Monday, January 30, 2006

Baggage Vs. Forgiveness

I hate when people act like their history with someone is an absolute part of your life forever. This completely discounts one's power to forgive and forgiveness is one the great acts of humanity. To deny someone their forgiveness is to deny their capacity to forgive and by proxy their humanity.

We have a choice about what we carry with us and we leave behind. If you want to start fresh you can do so. If you want to move on from the past do so. Just please don't pretend that the past is an absolute.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Shaved Head Vs. Bald

Figure 1-1 BALDNESS
Originally uploaded by clownfire.
Ok people,

As I am new to this shaved head thing let me explain something to you. Those of us with low profile hair don't like being called BALD. Bald = old. Bald = George Costanza. Bald = smooth skin, no hair NOT short hair.

Yours in over sensitivity,

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Chronic-WHAT!-les of Narnia

Originally uploaded by clownfire.
Here is a bit from SNL that made me almost piss laughing. I just respect the convicton they deliver it with. I'm actually holding out hope for SNL, they seem to be going in new directions this year.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


For those of you who don't care about all that pesky 'news', The Conservatives are taking the lead in the polls. If you are happy about that please close this window and stub your toe immediately. If you are not happy about that, please for the love of all things holy, VOTE.. it matters. If you're not educated on the issues, get educated. I'm sick of the apathy that is running rampant among not just my generation but across society on mass.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

CNN... please stub your collective toe!

Originally uploaded by clownfire.
So I'm watching the coverage of the miner rescue and I'm just stunned at CNN right now.

If you think the news media are rude by day, you should see who they put up at night. In addition to the usual compassionless 'get the story' bed side manor imagine a new hire trying to make a name for his/herself. It just wreaks of 'I want to impress the boss' and it's just so very insincere you want to just grab them by the face and puuuuuush.

This just in... you'll be shocked to know that the miners will take a while to get back to normal. I don't know what I would do without my 24hr news channels.