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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

CNN... please stub your collective toe!

Originally uploaded by clownfire.
So I'm watching the coverage of the miner rescue and I'm just stunned at CNN right now.

If you think the news media are rude by day, you should see who they put up at night. In addition to the usual compassionless 'get the story' bed side manor imagine a new hire trying to make a name for his/herself. It just wreaks of 'I want to impress the boss' and it's just so very insincere you want to just grab them by the face and puuuuuush.

This just in... you'll be shocked to know that the miners will take a while to get back to normal. I don't know what I would do without my 24hr news channels.


At 1:58 a.m., Blogger Doughboy said...

I also found the coverage quite humerous to say the least. CNN is always good for a laugh. Great Post


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