free web tracker Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira: Tiiiiiiiiiime is on my side...yes it is!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Tiiiiiiiiiime is on my side...yes it is!

So I just did a google search and clicked the 'search' button instead of just hitting enter. No question this was a rookie move, I'm not disputing that. However, I noticed google returned the following message above my results:

"Save time by just hitting enter at the end of your search instead of clicking the search button."

Someone find the efficiency consultants on that info and purple nurple them into submission. What are you kidding me? Save time? It took less than 1 second. Unless you have a big red phone on your desk and every flight you're on is referred to as Air Force One you got time to chill out and make that extra click.

God forbid as society gets fat sitting at their computers that we squeeze out even one superfluous Joule of physical exertion. Ironically, reading that message and this subsequent blog has cost you and I both 2 minutes.

I'm lowering the flag to half mast as we speak.


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