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Friday, March 04, 2005

The things that happen to other people...

So this morning I received some very unfortunate news and all day the thought has entered my mind

"Will I write about this? Is this suitable for the some blog on my band's website?"

In the end I stopped asking, found my way through a j and sat down to write.

Today I learned my father, my idol, my rock, a pillar of strength, a former special forces soldier, the picture of the dignified, old school patriarch, this man...has lung cancer.

Thanks to ongoing genius of The Lakeridge Health Corporation (Oshawa General Hospital) he has been misdiagnosed for some time. If you find yourself with your beating heart in your bare hand whilst standing in the lobby of the Oshawa General Hospital, I encourage you to leave and try to walk 2 towns over in lieu of getting, what will certainly be, the worst health care you've ever received.

Things are not sounding very promising right now. I realize that if he dies this blog will be an uncomfortable read if you start from the newest ones and run backwards. I hope you, the future, brought good news to whoever that may be.

I'm completely unprepared to deal with any of this.

That being said I'm not going to make a martyr of him, he smoked for almost 40 years and while I'd like to take a match to every tobacco company in the world and personally bare nuckle box every CEO, I can't in good conscience say that he was not without fault.

Today the absurdity of smoking appears under a microscope to me.

But wait there's more...

Brian Clark, my former friend and coworker of 10 years, a talented audio engineer and chronically confused individual was killed in a snowmobile accident. I received this news 1 hour after hearing about my father, for a brief second I thought I was actually convinced I was having the worlds most vivid dream. No such luck.

I welcome your prayers to whatever God you think will listen.


At 11:49 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about this tragic news. As I'm sure you know, Kat and I are here for your support if you want it.


At 6:39 p.m., Blogger @lex said...

The outpouring of kindness has been remarkable. Thank you everyone.


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