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Monday, June 27, 2005

The GO Train is hell

For those readers from out of town the GO train is a commuter train that has been scientifically engineered to accomplish two things:

1. To move zombies from their suburban homes to their cubicles and back.

2. To rob all of it's passengers of the will to live.

additional inexplicable side effects of riding this train are:

1. A fashion sense that stops a name tag short of a Radio Shack uniform.

2. A pop culture frame of reference that is bookended by the major networks "must see TV", an arsenal of film knowledge that consists of references to Arachnophobia and the most recent installment of the spiderman franchise that was deemed to be "too sexy" in one woman's words (who I am certain is very impressed with herself for buying those capri pants and most amazingly of all, wearing them to the office on a MONDAY! Who's friends embarrassingly applaud her audacity with use of the words YOU GO GIRL!) and finally, a selection of paperbacks that are either based on the topic of "being happy" or have a cute sticker on the front letting everyone around you know that Oprah Winfrey and/or Heather Reisman are your close, personal friends of yours. I mean how else did you possibly discover that rare book, "The Purpose Driven Life"? I mean if it wasn't for the neatly piled stack of 200 copies at the front door you might have accidentally had an independent thought. Phew!

Now I have to go wash the complacency off me.


At 12:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh thank god it’s not just me… I work with these people and they scare me! I don’t need to know about Survivor or “The Donald” or who can’t sing. Whatever happened to being interesting people all on your own, original thoughts, ideas and communications?

Stay strong and next time I see you we’ll have the rally cry of “you go girl” to be delightfully ironic.


At 12:09 p.m., Blogger Foot said...

Alas, I also work with these people and have a deep seated fear of someday becoming one of them.


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