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Friday, June 03, 2005

Why in god's name does Canadian TV suck so much?

Let me begin by saying, I know I could just not watch but if that were true there would also be no rubber necking; some people just need to watch a car crash.

So after a being a dirty American Idol addict all this season I decided to give The Canadian Idol a shot. I thought, they had a good season, maybe they put some new money into the show or something. However, at the end of the day, people with no taste or sense of presentation are still behind the wheel.

So America has a population 10 times that of Canada and yet this season they decided they needed to open the competition to people up to 30 years old just to raise the bar of talent they send forward. However in Canada with our classic "isn't that nice that you're trying so hard" mentality we just have to keep it to 26 and in the process give validation to some of the most average, mediocre, 5 out of 10, boring singers I've heard in some time. Now I know a lot of people who know me will say that I'm just bitter because I was too old to audition and while that is true, I do think I could wipe the floor with these bitches I also do legitimately believe they need to open up the pool.

That being said, this could be a collection of some of the world's finest singers and I would still want to commit holy suicide just because of the absolutely horrific sketches they feel the need to kill time with.

Oh yeah, and nothing to me is more sad than the judges, it's hard to watch them compete for sound bytes to get more camera time. In fact I'm told that Jake Gould was apparently fighting for more camera time this year. Way to keep on track there Jake. Oh by the way, how are the bands your supposed to be managing doing while you're busy getting yourself more work than your clients. Also, this entertainment lawyer turned poser Zack Werner is about as intimidating as deaf/mute librarian in a coma.

Finally, I would love it if someone would punch Ben Mulroney square in the mouth. He's like Kirk Cameron with a frontal lobotomy.

The good news, I'll be blogging at least twice a week now as I tear these hacks a new ass.


At 3:23 p.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

True dat, bitch.

At 3:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I came to your site via a friend's blog and man: I could not agree more. I haven't watched a Canadian show since like... forever.

Also do not think about actually *being* on a show like Canadian Idol. Look at the formula: mediocre singers in the final four, singing songs they did not write, accompanied by just-shy-of-karaoke backing, leading to record deals where they record and releas ridiculously overproduced CD's. In the US it's one thing (people will buy anything, somewhere.) But in Canada? Good lord.

Besides: Do you honestly want to be in the midst of (or compared to) that "talent"? I haven't even heard you sing but I can't imagine you'd want that as an accomplishment. :)

Ben Mulroney is an android.

Keep up the good ranting. :)



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