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Thursday, May 17, 2007


Ok so, here's the deal. I received a copy of an email recently that is reported to have been sent by a Rogers employee in response to a customer complaint regarding the amount of paper Rogers wastes in it's marketing initiatives.

Needless to say I've already contacted the highest levels of Rogers corporate to verify this transaction but I trust the source implicitly so there's little probability of this being a hoax.

I encourage you, if you are as offended by the both the tone and content of this employee's reponse to email or call Rogers and demand an explanation.

---message begins here---

Dear (name withheld),

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, we appreciate your use of online customer service.
In your recent email, you have informed us that you are not happy with the waste created by our advertising initiatives.

We can appreciate your concern. We have forwarded your feedback to the corresponding department for review. We appreciate your use of our ondemand service However "An Inconvenient truth" is a propaganda film that illustrates that global warming is caused by CO2 and human activity; which is not true according to the non-partisan science community. Global warming is caused by the sun spot phenomenon. As a result we cannot derive our company policy based on unproven science dictated by Al Gore who uses it to further his own political agenda.

Thank you for your inquest and continued patronage.

For future reference with respect to this e-mail, please quote reference number 21687220

Derek O.
Rogers Online Customer Service

---message ends----


At 11:52 p.m., Blogger Mick Torbay said...

Dear Derek O,


I find your response to a complaint regarding the Rogers advertising initiatives ironic on many levels.

Firstly it's interesting how you show your expertise in science by discounting An Inconvenient Truth outright as a "propaganda film." It would have been helpful if you had included your credentials as a scientist before making such claims. Although it is true the scientific community is not as unanimous as Mr. Gore implies in his movie, to apply the term "propaganda" to his film is to miss the point completely. I can't imagine a scientist anywhere who would state that paper advertising inserts represents anything but a detriment to the environment.

If "An Inconvenient Truth" is such a piece of irrelevant poppycock, why exactly does your on-demand service sell such hogwash to unsuspecting, and clearly ignorant, subscribers?

I find it more ironic still that your cable service is so supportive of this movie, and doubtless has made significant profits in the delivery of same, and yet you state quite plainly that it has no value. Who's worse, the liar, or the one who shares the lies with thousands of people daily?

While it surprises no one that your corporate policies are determined not by scientific fact but by dollars and cents, it's further ironic to me that it hasn't occurred to you that matters of finance are ultimately determined by consumers, not corporations. What that means, and I'll dumb it down a bit so you're sure to get it, is that WE get to decide who makes money in this world, not you.

Companies who ignore social trends, like the current environmental movement based heavily on concerns for global warming, are doomed to fail. Keep that resumé up to date, Derek. You might have to go back to work as a scientist, instead of an email answering flunkie.

yer old pal


At 8:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mick,

I work at Rogers as a Customer Care Associate and know Derek personally.

I want you to please understand that the things he said to you in his response to your email, was not the beliefs or opinions on behalf of Rogers as a company, he merely responded with his own political belifs on the film in question.

Keeping politcs aside, we can all agree that the use of large amounts of paper distribution for marketing purposes does impact the environment in a very negative mannor, but to try to take down someone who merely makes a living for a call centre is not the way you are going to be able to make the large scale changes you are in fact looking for.

However, I do want to thank you for trying to do your part in helping us have a better future, but we need to go after companies on a much higher level to see this sort of change.


At 6:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a degree in chemistry and geology. I've spent the last 10 years involved in the study of the global warming. Based on the reseach conducted by a number of Universities that I've studied; I have concluded that Co2 is in fact a bi-product of the global warming; global warming is not caused by it. I have seen Al Gores movie and it is obvious to me that he deliberatly omits scientifically proven facts in order to present an argument that is favorable to his position. He also receives millions of dollors extorted from countries around the world by taking this position. Global warming has become a business for pofit; not a sincere environmental movement.

At 10:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I applaud your concern for pulp & paper preservation Alex, and I also got a chuckle out of Derek's ironic response, I feel obligated to post to teach you a life lesson, as people in your College-campus circle may refer to them.

I typically try to refrain from ad-hominems, but I'm afraid any less won't get my point to pierce through your petulant, smug defenses. And you didn't hold back from slinging them at Derek O., so I'll assume they're your M.O.

I don't care what you think about global warming. I don't care what Derek thinks about global warming. You're both digging in your heels, when there is ample evidence to discredit both of you, so I won't delve into matters of Warm Periods or any such thing.

I just want to tell (warn?) you that the snotty activist attitude, the typical sneering holier-than-thou attitude that pervades the left wing of our political scape, is doing us all a disservice. You serve only to feed the stereotype of the know-it-all brat, rebelling at his parents' generation while they cut cheques to fund his Liberal Arts studies (or music in your case). I wish you the best in life, perhaps you will one day teach at one of those disconnected institutions, lobotomizing another generation of hapless, wide-eyed mouth breathers.

But my warning is this -- should you falter outside those sheltered walls, perhaps even out of the Mecca of navel-gazing that is Toronto, you will find it exceedingly difficult when someone with their head screwed on tight shows you the proper way to have a discussion. Here's a free hint -- it isn't cheap-shotting someone out of a job because he disagrees with you. You are truly a fool if you step into any argument without an open mind and the ability to admit you're wrong, and even moreso a fool if someone dares stand up to you with an at least passably functional argument, and you lash out in a juvenile rage.

I could go on, but I'm beginnig to realize I'm wasting precious moments of my life typing out a long-winded response to a self-righteous whiner who has nothing better to do with his life than post about his e-mail dealings with a telecommunications company to his close circle of friends, who read each other's blogs as fodder for a circle-jerk of self congratulation.

So good night.


At 3:02 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex does not know everything

At 11:49 p.m., Blogger @lex said...

"Alex does not know everything"

...whoa I wouldn't want to be me right now after such a biting remark...wait I am me. Taking cyanide pills now.


At 12:25 p.m., Blogger @lex said...

Some of my favourite types of comments I get on my blog are the 'Toronto hater' ones.

People who live outside of the city, in what I can only I assume is some form of shack or igloo, think that all my morality, politics and general life attitudes are formed by my geography. That somehow I don't read the same books and newspapers available in these clearly god forsaken places. That I don't watch the same TV that these cave dwellers do.

They would have you believe that I spend all my time on Queen St. playing hand drums, smoking dope, wearing designer clothes, immersed in the works of the beat poets.

Ultimately, those who judge me based on where I live are more guilty of the social shadow casting that they accuse those of us who live in finest city in nation of.


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