free web tracker Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira: August 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

On The Move: Pedestrian Wine Snob

From the wannabe wine snob on the GO train:

"...and the whole top shelf of my wine rack is aaaaaallllllll Wolf Blass Yellow Label."

Oooo way to go dude. Where did you dig up that little jem? I'm guessing from the fucking pile of 96 cases setup in the lobby of the liquor store labelled "sale".

Please kill yourself tonight.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dear The GO Train

Dear The GO Train,

It's been a while since last I wrote. I wanted to take the time to thank you for joining us mid to late nineties by adding standard definition tvs on board. That was sorta cool...

However, re:audio, I noticed you've decided the means of distribution will by FM radiowaves. I take quick inventory of what I have on my person just as I travel it is as follows:

1. Palm Treo 700WX
- capabale of sending and receiving: the web, email, files, txt msgs, photos and even streaming media
2. An Ipod
3. Shure E3 headphones
4. USB headset
5. HP Pavillion Laptop Computer

At a glance, I am the picture of the modern commuter. Yet, strangely I am unable to receive your audio signal given the myriad of devices on my person because someone at GO Inc. was conviced that people still carry radios or some otracity resembling a Walkman™.

Yes, if there's one thing I see a lot of these days are people walking down the street listening to their portable radios.

Thought....FM receivers in the chairs with 1/8" headphone jacks for the headphone I likely already have on me!!

Most upsettingly some sales guy at the technology company that put in this retarded system likely made a fat comission.

Top drawer GO. You successfullly installed a moving picture machine.

Yours Very Truly,
Hollis Greene

Monday, August 27, 2007

What The Hell Is This Chick Talking About?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Quick Piece of Advice

If you're surrounded by a bunch of people chanting what you're currently doing at you, you are probably doing something dumb.

"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!"

Just a good metric.

Friday, August 24, 2007

OK I know I say WTF a lot but...WTF!!!!!!

WHY? HOW? What is the deal?

Algorithm March. WTF!

One of my favourite comedy bits of all time...

You know what's really genius about this, it's that when the tape machine falls, there's actually a sincere moment of drama.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ali G is The King

This is the classiest / nastiest dissing ever:

Hugo Chavez vs. Mr. Danger

I just wish Hugo Chavez would stop mincing words and tell us how he feels.