free web tracker Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira: July 2005

Thursday, July 28, 2005


It's funny how quickly the shine can come off something. Growing up I've always wanted to be a performer and the idea of being out on the road has always seemed romantic to me. Now the ugly flipside is that it makes your personal life tricky at best but this is also the part of the 'dream' that artists like to pretend doesn't exist.

What I find the most remarkable about the process is how fast it becomes a problem. By all accounts this band is very much in it's infancy only now starting to really string together some dates and opportunities. Yet, in this short time I already feel the need to make the tough calls. I find myself having to hang my head and cancel important dates and as of tomorrow I have to go out of town while my father is in poor health.

If you're an aspiring performer or really just going after some kinda crazy dream and you think to yourself "I Want This", really think about what it is you want cause it's not all glory, in fact there is barely any glory at all. That being said I'm reminded of a quote I like:

"Real glory springs from the silent conquest of ourselves."
~Joseph P. Thompson

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Best Disclaimer Ever

I found this disclaimer on the bottom of a website recently and I think it's best ever:

"Disclaimer: Liable for all your happiness, unliable for all your misfortunes."


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Dear Nickelback, please DIE.

Many people who know me know that Nickelback is commonly referred to as the N-word. It's not to be spoken in my presence. Why you say? Because N@#$kleback represent to me everything that sucks about music today. Now while anyone with 2 brain cells and even a modest knowledge of music should know this I still from time to get opposition to what of course is a scientific fact.

Finally I have PROOF. Someone has taken the liberty of mixing N#*#kleback's terrible, terrible song "How You Remind Me" and their 'other' horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible song "Someday".

The two songs are played simultaneously and clearly show how the song are literally EXACTLY THE SAME.

Also this just in, NICKELBACK ARE HORRIBLE!!!

P.S. Thanks to this dude for supplying this little nugget.

AUG 10 EDIT: Also I hope everyone is still listening cause Mick (the bass player) starting crying like a baby because I didn't give him props cause he's the one who brought this to my attention to begin with. So let's all bask in Mick's electronic glory. HAIL THE MINK!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Nothing I Like More Than Mocking D&D Players

Check it out.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bernie Ebbers can kiss my ass!

Bernie Ebbers, the Chief Executive Criminal at Worldcom was sentenced today to 25 years in prison. It made me ill to listen this guy's lawyer talk about what fine human being this guy was and how he has been rail roaded.

Does anyone in their right mind believe that the CEO of one of the world's biggest companies could not be aware of 11 BILLION DOLLARS being messed with.

Finally!, we've shown that we are not as stupid as they would prefer.

The only thing that makes me sad is that his wife, who has likely grown accustomed to a life of hosting cocktail parties and probably hasn't worked in decades is now left with only her home and 50 gs to retire on. Although call me a cynic I HAVE to believe this son of a bitch has money in the Caymens or Switzerland. These guys are financial greased pigs.