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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Joaquim Oliveira 1942 - 2005

Heaven has one more angel today.

I love you Dad.


At 3:07 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...


Man, what to say? The boys and I are here for you and more determined than ever to live out our dreams.

Two things. First - as always - I go to Bono. He talked about love and family and loss in an interview I read once. And he said the important part of the lyrics in 'One' were,

"One life, but we're not the same,
We get to carry each other,
We get to carry each other."

He said it was the PRIVILEGE of getting to carry someone through life that made love so special. Through life and after death, these people will touch and affect everything we ever do.

Which leads into my second thought. When I was working on The Wars, Timothy Findley told me the real meaning of the novel was in the following note. And it's the best piece of comfort I've ever found for losing someone you love. Cling to these words and cling to everything good that's still to come.

Love your mother.
Make your prayers against despair.
I am alive in everything I touch.
Touch these pages and you have me in your fingertips.
We survive in one another.
Everything lives forever.
Believe it.
Nothing dies.

At 2:23 p.m., Blogger Raye said...

I'm so sorry Alex.

At 11:59 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kat and I send our love and support. Give us a call if you need to talk.



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