free web tracker Alex Knows Everything - The Greatest Blog In The World By Alex Oliveira: Rogers "Customer Service" Part Deux

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rogers "Customer Service" Part Deux

At the risk of opening up yet another angry powder keg here on my humble (not humble) blog, here is copy of a reply I received from Neil B. in response to the absurd message from Derek O. posted in an earlier entry. <--run on sentence!!

Once again, enjoy:

------msg begins------

-----Original Message-----
From: Rogers Cable Customer Service [mailto:rogerscabletv@rci. ]
Sent: May-17-07 10:36 PM
To: Alex Oliveira
Subject: Re: Your Cable General Inquiry (KMM30654292V53569L0KM)

Dear Alex Oliveira,

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, we appreciate your use of online customer service.

In your recent email, you have asked if the last email you received was in fact real.

Yes it was. We believe you have been provided with the correct response. However we have forwarded your response to the appropriate department for review.

Although we agree that we shouldn't be wasting paper, at this time we cannot restrict our business practices based on unproven science.

We appreciate your continuing patronage. Please contact us at your
convenience if you have any further inquiries.

For future reference with respect to this e-mail, please quote reference number 21736433

Neil B.
Rogers Online Customer Service

------msg ends------

OK again, Rogers is clearly taking a political position in it's communication with it's customers. Have they received some form of indoctrination at the corporate level? It's truly stunning that for a second time, a customer service agent, who, and I'll say it slowly for my angrier readers, should-remain-politically-neutral-when-delaing-with-the-public would take such an clearly antagonistic position.

As a person who works in a client facing role, I find it hilarious, that now TWO employees find it appropriate to engage customers in such a way.

In the interests of heading off the inevitably ignorant diatribes I will receive in response to this, let me be clear. I am not taking issue in the position they took, while of course it is clear that I do not agree. I am objecting to their customer service practices, NOOOOOOOTTTTTTT their small minded politics.

So I ask the children of Paul Wolfowitz and the nieces of nephews Dick Cheney to do your best to address the issue at hand.

Things I don't care about:

1. Your scientific credentials.
2. The 'report' you read showing what a hoax climate change is.
3. The completely unvalidated 'research' you've done.
4. What you think of my music, unless of course you can somehow relate it to above...which would impress me.

Clear? Probably not.

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At 9:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, we appreciate your use of
online customer service.

Be assured that we take your concerns very seriously, and appreciate the
feedback that you have provided. The situation has been escalated and
the appropriate action has been taken regarding this issue.

What you have described is by no means a reflection of the world class
customer service Rogers promotes and is known for.

Please feel free to contact us again should you have any additional
questions or concerns. Thank you for contacting Rogers.

For future reference with respect to this e-mail, please quote reference
number 22165447

Rogers Online Customer Service


At 10:33 p.m., Blogger @lex said...


At 3:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The response from JL of Rogers Online Customer Service doesn't specifically mention the "propaganda film" remarks about global warming. In fact, it reads like a form letter that could be sent in response to any complaint.

At 5:19 p.m., Blogger @lex said...

Of course it was. You think Rogers gives a shit?

At 4:30 p.m., Blogger Greg said...

I'm sorry... Are you advertising on your blog now?

At 2:35 a.m., Blogger @lex said...

Most disgustingly of all, all these comments about R0gers means that my google ads are all R0gers related. Bitter, bitter, bitter.


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