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Monday, October 17, 2005

Me and My Tube Head

Alex and His Tube Head
Originally uploaded by clownfire.
Mick took this train wreck of a photo of me because... well because... I look remarkably and legendarily horrible. As the title indicates it makes my head look like a tube. I look like an alien from some gay western inspired planet.

Anyway I swore to Mick that I would put this online and I've done it... but The Mink doesn't get off that easy; see the previous entry.


At 5:00 p.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

It really is a little Bart Simpson-esque, isn't it?

At 5:17 a.m., Blogger J.D. said...

I find it a bit noveau-Conehead. I think we should use it as a promo shot. That would seal your place as the uncoolest drummer ever in 'The Uncoolest Band in the World.'

At 10:36 p.m., Blogger Mick Torbay said...

Dear Stones,

You have my respect for going ahead and putting that photo on the interweb. That's quite a cylinder-melon you have there. I might have lost this battle, but it was worth it to see that picture again.

yer old pal



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