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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Welcome to The World Lilo Elaine Emerson

Originally uploaded by clownfire.
Sure I've been to the weddings of a lot of my friends, that's no big deal, marriages can be undone, walked away from. Ok not easily, but certainly the implications of JUST a marriage can be contained to a couple people and are by and large not life changing. This is all relatively speaking, so don't go getting the idea that I'm anti marriage or that I take it lightly; that's not what I'm talking about here.

Today my friends have officially gone and grown up on me. Yesterday at 4:20pm EST, Lilo Elaine Emerson was born to Rob and Vone Emerson. She wasn't alive two days ago, in fact she didn't, technically speaking, even exist. However due to a little activity, that I have come to know as a generally consequence free, good time, called sex there is now a living breathing human being on this earth that counts on two people, who I have both seen get puke drunk many times, for it's future.

I'm just so impressed with God right now.

The good news is that in today's day and age of coin toss odds in marriage, chronic tele-parenting and kids having a generally trickier time all over, I think little Eli (Lilo Elaine...L.E...Eli...get it?) has really come up $1.00 on this Showcase Showdown Big Wheel of Parents.

Rob and Vone are a unique couple to me. I know them both from University, I was there when the first sparks were set a flame. I've watched what was just a simple couple dates turn into the single biggest commitment two people can make to each other and now there is now a person in this world who literally is a part of both of them.

I'm starting to the understand the expression the 'miracle of life'. Until just a little while ago I assumed it began and ended with the making of baby but now I'm seeing the big picture. The millions of variables, the infinite probabilities that work themselves out to bring two people together who just happen to love each enough to make a baby. It's pretty amazing stuff.

Welcome to the world Eli, so far it's my favourite.


At 7:13 p.m., Blogger Sara Desjardins said...

Beautifully said...


At 10:40 p.m., Blogger Mick Torbay said...

Dear Stones,

I wonder if it's just co-incidence that you've been seeing a lot of the "miracle of life" from the other side lately. It seems to me, that's just the P.O.V. many of us see much too seldom, i.e. the beginning. It might be just what we need to zoom in on more often. The show must go on; and here's living proof.

yer old pal



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