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Friday, April 14, 2006

Pet Mania II

Pet Mania II
Originally uploaded by clownfire.
Hello friends,

So last night I was at Rob and Vone's place and I realized that more people read this little blog o mine than I thought. I know this because I took a good deal of response to my recent rant against lunatic pet owners.

Luckily I'm just too damn charming for anyone to actually dislike me for any length of time.

However, as I watched the news today my fire was fueled.

So check it. Now I know you're expecting me to say "SCREW THE CAT!" "KILL ALL PETS". You'd be wrong, I think they should save that cat but what made nuts
was one guy that CNN interviewed:

"I think they should knock the building down, you know, do something really miraculous" owners, these are the people that make me crazy and give you all a bad name. You can hardly call me a bad person when lunatics like this exist.


At 7:42 p.m., Blogger Rob said...

Firstyl, how do they know for sure the damn cat is still in there? She could have snuck out in the middle of the night. Secondly, whats the big deal? Won't the damn cat come out eventually if its hungry, and if it's not hungry, then whats the problem?

I'm a total cat lover, but I'm with you Alex. If they're spending a cent of taxpayer money on this "rescue" somebody should be fired.

At 12:17 a.m., Blogger @lex said...

Oh dude, they've lost their god damned minds on this. They have animal control, fire and cops on hand. They brought in a fibre optic camera to see the cat and baby kitten to bait it out against it's maternal instincts. Lunacy I say.

At 6:11 p.m., Blogger Rob said...

It appears, the resuce is over:

At 2:17 p.m., Blogger J.D. said...

"Luckily I'm just too damn charming for anyone to actually dislike me for any length of time."

This is a great Canadian myth. I have and will continue to dislike you for extensive and expansive lengths of time.

At 1:44 p.m., Blogger Mick Torbay said...

Dear Stones,

The happy ending just goes to show the cat was fine all along. A kitty who is really trapped, would be near death after two weeks.

I'm a cat person, I'll admit. I like kitties. But my rescue efforts would have included calling the cat, leaving a plate of food near an exit and hoping for the best. My strategy would not have included brick removal, "cat therapists" or emergency services.

Any cat who can't get out of a building it wanders into suffers from a deficient gene. I would consider its death, "thinning the herd."

yer old pal

the mink


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